
House Frame

House Frame

After putting the slab down, getting the frame up all happened pretty quickly. There was a few delays from rain but the roof and windows and everything were on by the end of March. Due to the scaffolding and bright weather proofing, it’s actually suprisingly easy to spot the house from various places around the area. We worked out you can even see it from out the back of our current house (with binoculars).
House Foundations

House Foundations

Before Christmas they started doing the earthworks and retaining wall at the back of the block. We also had to pick all our selections before Christmas. It wasn’t actually too bad as the interior designer had a showroom with most of the selections to choose from. And then we had to go to a couple of other stores like Tradelink for a few other selections but overall much simpler then I expected.
Hottest 100 Votes for 2020

Hottest 100 Votes for 2020

Ball Park Music — Cherub Lime Cordiale — No Plans To Make Plans Daði Freyr — Think About Things E^ST — I WANNA BE HERE The Strokes — Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus Tame Impala — Is It True Spacey Jane — Booster Seat The Jungle Giants — Sending Me Ur Loving Julia Jacklin — to Perth, before the border closes San Cisco — Reasons
House Design

House Design

Rachael had found an open house to inspect when Lyra was only 12 days old, after deciding our current house was too small now we had a baby. We couldn’t find any existing houses on the market that were what we wanted, so we bought a block of land that came up at the end of last year, and we’ve spent most of this year finalising a design. Of the builders we visited, we couldn’t find a house plan that was exactly what we wanted either, so we’d have to come up with our own.


2020 continues to be an eventful year, with both of my grandmas recently passing away less than a month apart. Since the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin is no longer in print to publish obituaries, I thought it would be worth preserving a copy of both the funeral notices here for posterity. I’ve also saved a copy of the Eulogy for both Marie and Isabel. This photo of them both at tennis club was a nice suprise to come across.
Air Con Automation

Air Con Automation

When I first started playing with Home Assistant the first thing I thought to automate was our air-conditioner. When we bought the air con for our living room it cost way more for the “smart” ones that you could control with your phone and we didn’t think we would use it anyway, so we just got a dumb one. But since it can take up to five minutes or so before the heater works, it’s definitely good to have it automatically turn on on cold mornings, or turn it on from your phone in bed.
World's Greatest Shave

World's Greatest Shave

On the weekend I took part in the World’s Greatest Shave. Thanks to everyone that donated, we were able to raise $1,847 for the Leukaemia Foundation. Anna won the honours of operating the clippers. Below is a video timelapse, I thought she did a great job with some interesting intermediary hair styles. And the final product… If you like, you can still donate for the next few weeks!


Last year I came across this reddit post (just before going to bed) which completely blew my mind (like the boyfriend in the post). So many sayings and things from movies (flashback scenes) finally made sense, but I still thought I must be understanding something and that the minds-eye visualisation described was exaggerated. I was eventually able to get to sleep but first thing in the morning I made Rachael watch this video.
Hottest 100 Votes for the Decade

Hottest 100 Votes for the Decade

Like always I limited it to one song per artist. Ball Park Music - It’s Nice To Be Alive (2011) I came close to going for Coming Down (2012) but went for the one more likely to get in the Top 10. They had a bunch of songs from across the whole decade so hopefully they place highly. Bluejuice - Act Yr Age (2011) Bluejuice likewise had a bunch of hits I could have voted for, but chose this as the top pick.