
Hottest 100 Votes 2014

Hottest 100 Votes 2014

Saskwatch - Born To Break Your Heart I saw Saskwatch live at the carnival of flowers, and despite being cold and raining and not knowing any of their songs, we stayed for the full set. Don’t Want To Try was my favourite song, but since it wasn’t released last year this is my pick. Love the horns. Bluejuice - I’ll Go Crazy A great band, sad that they are calling it quits.
Occulus Thrift

Occulus Thrift

So after the MRH90 Simulator tour I was pretty keen for the Google Cardboard that I ordered several weeks ago on sale to show up. It ended up costing $7.50 or something for 2 of them delivered. It showed up on Wednesday and is pretty awesome. You install an app on your phone that uses the gyroscope to detect your head moving, and has a split screen that turns to 3d when you look through the lenses.
Tour of MRH Simulator

Tour of MRH Simulator

Yesterday afternoon I went to an Engineers Australia tour of the MRH90 helicopter training simulator at Oakey Air Base. We were allowed to take some photos, so here they are. Calculated using a 20 year life cycle, they said it costs $10,000 an hour to run. But that is cheaper than training in the real helicopters, which costs around $270,000/hour over the life of the helicopter. The movement part of the simulator was turned off when we were allowed inside the cockpit, but even with just the projection screen running it tricked your brain into thinking it was real and that we were actually moving.
TCOF Prize Gardens

TCOF Prize Gardens

Tom, Bec, Sarah & Lewis all come up to Toowoomba for the carnival of flowers, so we went to some of the winning prize gardens. They were all one’s we had to been to previous years.
Toowoomba Food, Flower & Wine Festival 2014

Toowoomba Food, Flower & Wine Festival 2014

So we went to the carnival of flowers again this year, and it was a bit disappointing. They had improved the layout this year, so we were pretty impressed on the Friday night. There was much more food to choose from this year, which was great. The bands playing weren’t all that exciting though, and the wines choices weren’t as good as last years. Was mostly dry wines, which Rachael and I don’t like.
7 Years Of Facebook Metadata

7 Years Of Facebook Metadata

So amid yet more news about metadata collection by government, I decided that Facebook probably doesn’t need all my old data either and it might be a good time to try and clean it up. Looking at the activity log for my account, the first bit of data is from Sep 4th 2007, which is just shy of 7 years ago. So I thought I would try and delete my history, but Facebook doesn’t have an option for that and the scripts available that do do it aren’t working at the moment.
Hottest 100 Votes for 2013

Hottest 100 Votes for 2013

Yet another year where I was slack with listening to new music. On the other hand, I did get to go to a fair few live gigs throughout the year. The Spotted Cow has been good for that, hopefully they have just as many bands come through this year. Yet again I tied to keep one vote per artist, which meant that a couple of like a versions made it in.
Toowoomba's Christmas Wonderland

Toowoomba's Christmas Wonderland

Last night we went to check out the Christmas lights at Queen’s Park. It was pretty much the same as last year, but I took some photos this time around. We went to check out Audrey Ct as well, which we were told had some good lights. We were not expecting them to be as good as they were, almost every house in the street had put up a crazy amount of lights.
Friday Night Fever

Friday Night Fever

We had the work social club party at the cube on Friday night, with a 70s theme. It was a good excuse to extend the stay of my Movember Mo, and was a fun night. Rachael had a lot of fun singing Journey on the Karaoke with Linelle.