
Dave & Kylie's Wedding

Dave & Kylie's Wedding

When you do a Google search for “Dave and Kylie” the top link is their website Dave and Kylie are getting married, so you know it must be an important event. I haven’t really been to a wedding before (not since I was like 10 anyway) and so I was kind of excited for the experience. Kylie works with Rachael at the tissue bank, and Dave is an electrical engineer so you know he must be a top bloke.
Sea World

Sea World

Tom scored us some cheap 3 park super pass season tickets from Energex, so Rachael and I hit up Sea World this weekend. Not too much has changed since last time I went there. They do have Emperor Penguins now, which were fun to watch. There is also now a Dinosaur Island, which I don’t see the relevance of in a water park but they did have some cool fossils. The main display had animatronic dinosaurs similar to Jurassic Park, but I was pleased to see there inside display had more correct displays where they were all covered in feathers and weird looking.
Mountain Bike Orienteering

Mountain Bike Orienteering

After the race. So on Sunday I joined Bully, Tom and Tim on a free Mountain Bike Orienteering Come and Try event. The other three boys have been really into the mountain biking of late and have done a couple of adventure races. Bully let me use his spare bike and we embarked on a leisurely 20km ride through the forest. As the start our expectation of a trail was very different to the makers of our map, and so we repeatedly rode past the turn off for the first check point.
Hottest 100 Votes - 2011

Hottest 100 Votes - 2011

Once again finding ten songs to vote for has been a challenge. Normally it is because I have too many songs to choose from. This year I have been a bit slack with listening to new music, so the challenge was filling the ten slots with songs I felt deserved it, whilst not voting for the same artist more than once. I’m sure when I see the final list there will be plenty of songs that may have deserved my vote that I didn’t consider, but in any case I am happy with the following ten for now, so here they are.
Hottest 100 Australian Albums Of All Time

Hottest 100 Australian Albums Of All Time

My votes: Cat Empire, The - The Cat Empire Whitlams, The - Eternal Nightcap Living End, The - The Living End Temper Trap, The - Conditions Powderfinger - Vulture Street Living End, The - Modern Artillery Wolfmother - Wolfmother Eskimo Joe - A Song Is a City Gyroscope - Sound Shattering Sound Hilltop Hoods - The Calling Others: Gotye - Like Drawing Blood JET - Get Born Powderfinger - Odyssey Number Five Powderfinger - Dream Days at the Hotel Existence Pete Murray - Feeler Kisschasy - United Paper People Faker - Addicted Romantic Josh Pyke - Memories & Dust The Dissociatives - The Dissociatives John Butler Trio - Sunrise Over Sea The Grates - Gravity Won’t Get You High Gyroscope - Are You Involved?
Rockhampton Floods

Rockhampton Floods

So the reason why I had so much trouble getting home was because of the floods. So here are some photos and links about it. This is why my flight was cancelled (it got higher than that): And NASA had some satellite images that show just how much water there was during and after: NASA source link here and here. With the airport underwater and the highway and railway closed to the south, it cut down my transport options, but it wasn’t completely isolated like the media said.
Hottest 100 Votes 2010

Hottest 100 Votes 2010

Having looked at people’s votes coming in for the Hottest 100, it is really clear to me that I have been away a long time. While I know most of the bands, I have never heard of a lot of the songs people are voting for. Rachael has impressed me this year by voting and has picked some good songs that I had not heard of before. Before we started going out she didn’t even listen to triple J and now she is more up with the music then me.
Hottest 100 Votes of the Past

Hottest 100 Votes of the Past

As it comes once again to Hottest 100 voting time, this year I think I am unqualified to vote. Having been overseas for 6 months, I have not been keeping up with the music released in Australia and popular post-June. On the other hand I am happy that the list this year will provide me with lots of new music to listen to. But before I start to look at what I am going to vote for, I wanted to look back on what I voted for in the past.