

So we were finally off to Hakuba to enjoy the snow that had caused so much dramas. We got an early-ish train from Shinjuku but then had to wait for 2 hours at Shinanoomachi Station for the local train to Hakuba. When we did get to Hakuba we couldn’t find any taxi’s but luckily the hotel was happy to come and pick us all up when we called them. The Hakuba High Mount Hotel where we stayed was awesome like that, they had a free shuttle down and back to the Sakka lift every day as well (only a few minute drive).
Japanese Serow

Japanese Serow

So when we were talking to Jackson and Bully at the pub, they told us of how they had seen a sad bear while out snowboarding in one of the further out runs. I didn’t know that Japan had bears so was pretty impressed. Apparently they thought it was a goat at first, but when they got closer decided it was a sad bear. This caused Rachael to freak out a little bit that we would run into a bear and she would be mauled.
Jigokudani Monkey Park

Jigokudani Monkey Park

So our original snow monkey tour was rescheduled to the last day of our stay in Hakuba due to the heavy snow, so we were really lucky we even got to go. It’s a shame because the first part of the bus tour as we were leaving our guide gave an overview of all the different ski resorts and which one was good for different things, something that would have been more useful at the start.


So I’ll jump a head a little bit and talk about our day trip to Tokyo. From Hakuba we got a bullet train to Osaka where we were staying, but the following day we did a day trip to Kyoto while our JR pass was still valid. First up, we went to Fushimi Inari-taisha a temple built for the Shintu god of rice, Inari. It started out a bit disappointing, as it was much like the other temples we had been to… but then it just kept going.


So after our horrible start, things were much better being out of airport and in the city. We stayed at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel, which was fairly close to the train station and in a good area. The rooms were quite small but had everything you needed, and there was a good view out the window of the government building and the snow-covered streets. The first morning we went to garden nearby and everyone made snowballs and Sarah made a mini snowman.
Narita Airport

Narita Airport

So our trip to Japan had a terrible start. Well, it started out fine in Australia. In a crazy chance of coincidence we were seated behind a few Ergon guys I know from Townsville. Waiting at Cairns airport they taught me how to play pirate dice, which was a fun way to kill time while we waited. The flight itself was okay for Jetstar. I had low expectations and they were basically met.
Hottest 100 Votes for 2013

Hottest 100 Votes for 2013

Yet another year where I was slack with listening to new music. On the other hand, I did get to go to a fair few live gigs throughout the year. The Spotted Cow has been good for that, hopefully they have just as many bands come through this year. Yet again I tied to keep one vote per artist, which meant that a couple of like a versions made it in.
Toowoomba's Christmas Wonderland

Toowoomba's Christmas Wonderland

Last night we went to check out the Christmas lights at Queen’s Park. It was pretty much the same as last year, but I took some photos this time around. We went to check out Audrey Ct as well, which we were told had some good lights. We were not expecting them to be as good as they were, almost every house in the street had put up a crazy amount of lights.
Friday Night Fever

Friday Night Fever

We had the work social club party at the cube on Friday night, with a 70s theme. It was a good excuse to extend the stay of my Movember Mo, and was a fun night. Rachael had a lot of fun singing Journey on the Karaoke with Linelle.


Last weekend we went for a drive with Rachael’s auntie to Preston. There are some awesome views, and a winery on the top of the hill. Apparently they import the wine though and don’t make it on site, so really it’s just about the views.