2010-12-31 Switzerland
Yesterday I went to Alpamare with some people staying at our flat for New Year (family of Nelly). It is basically like Wet-n-Wild except mostly indoor, which is good considering there was snow in the outdoor parts.
The slides were incredible fun, I enjoyed it much more than Wet-n-Wild. One slide called the Thriller was completely pitch-black for the whole way which was kind of scary the first time as the turns and drops came out of nowhere.
The one's that were outside were crazy. The Cresta Canyon was probably one the best and started inside, then went outside WHERE IT WAS FREEZING then came back inside again at the end. The outside parts had all the mist coming off the water as well due to the temperature loss which was cool looking. There was another one called Balla Balla that took around 45 seconds, which is a long time considering how fast it was.
After the slides we went to the outdoor pool, which is a strange experience considering the water is warm and yet on the sides of the pool there is snow. And the whole time this mist comes off the water due to the heat and you can't see much in front of you. Being at night it gave everything a cool eery look. There was also a pool that wasn't heated, and was around 5°C. Next to it was an Iodine Brine Bath which was 36°C. Jumping in and out of the two was the strangest feeling. When I jumped into the cold pool my body felt like it had erupted into goose-bumps. And then when getting back into the heated pool the water burnt a little, like your feet sometimes do in a hot shower on a cold day.
It was certainly an interesting experience.
Oh and there are no photos because one of the staff yelled at me for having a camera. Apparently you aren't allowed to take photos on the premises, no idea why. Maybe it is to stop pedophiles or something.