Trevor's Farewell Party
2010-07-11 Switzerland
When I was introduced to everyone around the office and told them I was from Australia, they all wanted to know if I knew Trevor, because he was from Australia too. He was the very first co-op from CQU to work at ABB in Turgi, and came back after graduating, having been here for the last 9 years. But he moves back to Australia next week to work for QR, so he had farewell drinks on Thursday night. I'd never met him but thought I would drop by quickly to say hello.
A good night was had, as because I had to keep the Australian stereotype intact, I wasn't permitted to leave until we had got through all the beer he had bought. It was quite good beer actually, Badener Gold, which is brewed in Baden nearby. They were 5.2% alcohol, but was told they weren't full-strength and that that is what they consider a standard beer here. When talking about drinks here I even discovered that one Swiss guy had tried Bundy Rum, thanks to Blake Harvey bringing some over with him at one stage.
It was a great night and I met some cool people and heard some cool stories. Wasn't particularly fun getting out of bed at 7 the next day to get ready for work, as we stayed up well into the night, but I went to a training course and got a free lunch, Swiss-Army Knife and laptop bag, so it was still a good day at work.