Alex Guinman

V18/11 - Day 3

2011-10-20   Young Endeavour

This post is part of the series Young Endeavour.

We were on morning watch and everyone was still pretty depressed and sick. I had another go on the helm and found it much easier second time round. Those of us that felt up to it (Elke, Rob and I - Scott despite being fine the night before was probably the sickest in the morning) climbed up with Paul to watch the sunrise.

Shortly after our watch we changed course, heading south towards Jervis Bay and instantly I felt better as we were no longer working against the swell and the rocking wasn't as severe. I was able to go down below and have lunch and unlike the previous meals most people ate. There was still a few people that were pretty sick but most people had there sea legs by this stage and were cheery again.

In the afternoon we had a lecture from our Nav Matt about navigation skills.

After dinner, those of us from White Watch went pretty much straight to bed as tonight we had "The Guts" which is the watch from 12 -4.