Alex Guinman

Hottest 100 Votes - 2011

2012-01-08   Hottest 100


Once again finding ten songs to vote for has been a challenge. Normally it is because I have too many songs to choose from. This year I have been a bit slack with listening to new music, so the challenge was filling the ten slots with songs I felt deserved it, whilst not voting for the same artist more than once.

I'm sure when I see the final list there will be plenty of songs that may have deserved my vote that I didn't consider, but in any case I am happy with the following ten for now, so here they are.

Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know This is clearly going to take out the number 1 spot. I remember when Sarah used to tell me to turn that "weird shit" off when I used to play Like Drawing Blood. Good on him for making a pop hit.

The Beards - You Should Consider Having Sex With a Bearded Man I am a sucker for musically awesome novelty bands.

Busby Marou – Underlying Message They were probably even more impressive then Birds of Tokyo when I saw them at the Western. Good to see a local band making it relatively big.

Tim Minchin - Pope Song I remember having an argument with someone at work (when I worked at K-mart) about swearing and how it is wrong because it says so in the bible. This song perfectly sums up my thoughts on the matter. I wasn't expecting this to chart, but considering none of Tim Minchin's new songs were listed in the song list I guess not even some of the less controversial one's will feature either, which is a shame.

Bluejuice - Act Your Age I have always liked their recordings, but I was a bit dissapointed in Bluejuice when I saw the at Big Day Out a few years ago. At the Oxy Street party last week they changed my mind though, and this song went off live.

Nero - Me & You I don't know why I like this song, but I do.

Boy & Bear - Feeding Line

The Black Keys - Lonely Boy

Ball Park Music - It's Nice To Be Alive

Intermashional First Class - All I Know {Ft. Eagle And The Worm/Hypnotic Brass Ensemble/Juiceboxxx} My actual vote is for Eagle and the Worm - All I Know, but this was technically released in 2010.