Occulus Thrift
So after the MRH90 Simulator tour I was pretty keen for the Google Cardboard that I ordered several weeks ago on sale to show up. It ended up costing $7.50 or something for 2 of them delivered.
It showed up on Wednesday and is pretty awesome. You install an app on your phone that uses the gyroscope to detect your head moving, and has a split screen that turns to 3d when you look through the lenses. The lenses from our cheap Chinese version aren't great so you get sore eyes after using it for a few minutes.
The actual demo apps themselves are incredibly trippy though. The coolest one was the 3D google earth which allowed you to fly around similar to a flight simulator. It's not as cool as the army one, but $4 is a lot cheaper then $70 million. I can't wait until you the prices of the Occulus Rift comes down and you can do stuff like this.