Alex Guinman

Hottest 100 Votes 2014

2015-01-12   Hottest 100


Saskwatch - Born To Break Your Heart I saw Saskwatch live at the carnival of flowers, and despite being cold and raining and not knowing any of their songs, we stayed for the full set. Don't Want To Try was my favourite song, but since it wasn't released last year this is my pick. Love the horns.

Bluejuice - I'll Go Crazy A great band, sad that they are calling it quits.

The Grates - Wish I Was Alone Not the greatest Grates song, but we were the first in the world to hear it live at their Toowoomba show, so it gets a spot.

Dustin Tebbutt - Bones Another song I saw live when they were supporting Missy Higgins. The set nearly put us to sleep, as it's not exactly upbeat music and we had had a massive day. But a great song regardless.

Ball Park Music - Trippin' The Light Fantastic Their cover of Diane Young was good too.

Chet Faker - Talk Is Cheap

Flight Facilities - Sunshine {Ft. Reggie Watts}

Asgeir - Kings and Cross

Hilltop Hoods - Cosby Sweater

The Griswalds - Beware The Dog

Some other songs from my short list: