Alex Guinman

101 Things in 1001 Days


While I was living in Switzerland I attempted to put together a list of 101 Things in 1001 Days. The goal was to publish it on the Tales from Turgi blog and cross them off in blog posts, but I never finalised my list of 101 things. Since I was travelling lots I kept on thinking of new better ideas, and was crossing off old ones. I actually tried to make one earlier then that for the 1001 day period of 07 Jul 2009 to 24 Dec 2011, but couldn't think of 101 things I thought were worthy. When I was Europe it was the opposite and I had way more then 101 and couldn't cut it down.

Some of the items on the list were for things I wanted to do when I got back to Australia, so when I got back I had another go at updating the list. This time I decided I would just make it a bucket list style one's and I actually added some things I had done since before going to Switzerland. So I added in a couple of goals I had leaving school and going into uni that I had already crossed off as well. I'd never flown in a plane when I started uni which was a pretty big thing at the time, although since then I've probably been on hundreds of flights. But despite updating the list a few times, I never did set a time deadline.

A friend posted on Facebook for New Years this year a list of 100 things they wanted to achieve by the end of this year and it reminded me of my list. So I figured it was a good time to actually post my list and maybe set a deadline.

So firstly, I went through my old list and here is a list of all the things I've already crossed off (since 2007 when I started university) from the original list.

  1. Fly in a plane
  2. Go bungee jumping
  3. See snow
  4. Go skiing
  5. Go snowboarding
  6. Go ice skating
  7. Go sledding
  8. Have a snowball fight
  9. Make a snowman
  10. Go white water rafting
  11. Play a game of paintball
  12. Take part in a fun run
  13. Play a game of squash
  14. Start donating blood and find out my blood type
  15. See The Living End live
  16. See Tripod live
  17. See The Cat Empire live
  18. See Muse live
  19. Learn to play "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" on guitar
  20. Learn to play the Didgeridoo
  21. Go through and scan childhood photos
  22. Go on the Young Endeavour
  23. Sleep on a boat
  24. Spend a week at sea
  25. Live/work overseas
  26. Join a trivia team
  27. Have a suit tailor made
  28. Research my family tree
  29. Write a (legal) will
  30. Climb Mt. Jim Crow
  31. Go 'Adventure Caving' at the caves
  32. See sunset over sea (as opposed to sunrise)
  33. Go to a comedy festival
  34. Go to Oktoberfest
  35. Go to Neuschwanstein Castle
  36. Drive the Great Ocean Road

And here is a list of the goals that I had on my old list that I don’t really care about any more, but maybe one day will get to.

  1. Learn to fly a plane
  2. Get a boat & jet-ski licence
  3. Go scuba diving
  4. Go windsurfing
  5. Learn to play "The Sound of White" on the Piano
  6. Learn to play a Tim Minchin song on the Piano

And some more that were most likely suggestions I found on the internet when I was struggling to list the full 101 things.

  1. Meditate for 3 hours in one sitting
  2. Stay awake for more than 48hrs straight
  3. Learn a magic trick
  4. Spend an entire day reading books at the library
  5. Go to someone else’s family reunion & pretend to be one of them
  6. Play chess with a stranger in a park
  7. Star as an extra in a movie
  8. Stay the night in an abandoned house
  9. Have drinks on a rooftop
  10. Live a day in someone else's life
  11. Bury some treasure and leave hidden clues to it
  12. Get a barbershop or Turkish shave
  13. Have a sword fight in a full suit of armour
  14. Go on a holiday with no luggage
  15. Film a ‘day in the life’ video
  16. Smile at 100 strangers (statistically 73 will smile back)
  17. Write to your favourite author
  18. Go on a road trip without a plan
  19. Make fire the old-fashioned way
  20. Start a home brew