Alex Guinman

Foster Dogs



So since we got a house Rachael has wanted a dog, but since we were planning on going overseas for a while it didn't make sense to get one. Then Ebony suggested we just foster dogs, which is the perfect system because when you need to go away or just get sick of them you can take them back, and in the meantime your providing a home fora dog that would otherwise be in a tiny kennel at the RSPCA.

Our first dog was Kel, the Kelpie. He had a really bad gash on his back so couldn't be adopted until it had healed over. He was a great dog but was so energetic we couldn't tire him out no matter how hard we tried. We had him almost 2 months, then he had to go back while we went to Bali. Somebody eventually adopted him.


Our next foster dog was less successful, pretty much immediately jumping the fence for the chicken coup and killing one of them, so we had to take him back. We then got Ducky, who was a lovely dog but got sick and had to catch the dog ambulance down to the vet at Wacol. After he got better again, he was fostered out to someone down there.

Ducky2 Ducky1

At the moment we have Lola, who was pregnant when we got her last year and now has 9 puppies. It's been pretty cool watching them grow up, and seeing the birth itself.





We had them during the heat wave, on New Years Day it got to 40°C. I put a fan on them and heaps of little bowls of water to cool down in, but Lola decided to instead dig a big hole in the garden and pick them up and put them in that.



They are just getting big enough now to run around and becoming super playful.

They are going back next week for adoption, which will be good for our patio which gets constantly covered in poo. So much poo.