Alex Guinman

Trip End

2017-05-10   Europe England

We dropped the rental car of at Heathrow then got the train back into the city to Lauren's. After 2 months of travel it was good to just chill and watch TV at Lauren's. We went out for a sunday lunch at the pub with Rachael's cousin as well, which was good but super expensive. Stuff in London seems to cost about the same in pounds as it would at home in AUD.

The next day we made nachos for lunch and lounged around, then at night rented some Borris Bikes and rode into the city. Matt recommended it to us as a great way to the see the city, and we started along the river and past Westminster.

We then rode up to China Town to get some food.

We then rode up the Mal and stopped at Buckinham Palace, which was pretty much deserted.

Was a really good idea, and I highly recommend it. We still had time on our bike rental the next day, so we rode in to the city again on our way to see the Lion King. Really showed how close everything is together, and how inner city Lauren was living.

The Lion King was great, super creative costumes and even better then Book of Mormon.

On our last day Lauren was actually moving, so we helped her move into the new place.

The first flight was pretty good, but we had a 9 hour layover in Bangkok, which is a pretty unexciting airport. We found a lounge that you could pay to go in for 2 hours and have a shower, so that killed some time but it was a long wait.

Finally we made it home, swapping straight from Spring to Autumn.