Alex Guinman

Toowoomba Second Range Crossing Marathon

2019-09-08   Toowoomba

The TSRC opened on the Sunday with a marathon (there was a also a bike race and open day on the Saturday that Mark and Julie went to). I only signed up for the 10km as I (correctly) assumed I would still be sleep deprived on the day.

The bypass was pretty impressive, although it was hard to see much from the eastbound lane.

The downhill was okay (after a quick pee stop), but at the turnaround point the uphill was disgusting. It was super windy and a massive headwind with an uphill climb was unpleasant and I had to keep stopping to walk.

Despite the challenging second half I finished just under an hour which I was prety happy with. The official race times had issues apparently, so it has it a few minutes slower.

Was a pretty cool opening event, I doubt they will have it again though.