Alex Guinman

Hottest 100 Votes for the Decade

2020-02-24   Hottest 100


Like always I limited it to one song per artist.

  1. Ball Park Music - It's Nice To Be Alive (2011)

I came close to going for Coming Down (2012) but went for the one more likely to get in the Top 10. They had a bunch of songs from across the whole decade so hopefully they place highly.

  1. Bluejuice - Act Yr Age (2011)

Bluejuice likewise had a bunch of hits I could have voted for, but chose this as the top pick.

  1. Matt Corby - Brother (2011)

Still hasn't gotten old even after hearings lots of drunken renditions.

  1. Haim - Falling (2013)

The Wire is probably more likely to get in the list, but I like this one more.

  1. Lorde - Royals (2013)

  2. The Preatures - Is This How You Feel (2014)

Was tossing up between this and a bunch of Saskwatch songs.

  1. Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better (2015)

In the yearly poll I struggled to decide between this and Let It Happen and was the same this time.

  1. Methyl Ethel - Ubu (2017)

Once I hear this song it gets stuck in my head for ages.

  1. Alex Lahey - I Haven't Been Taking Care Of Myself (2017)

  2. Ruby Fields - Dinosaurs (2018)

I didn't vote for this in the yearly poll but it has grown on me since.

Some other songs that were on the short-list but not mentioned above: