


We arrived and it was raining, so we quickly dropped out bags at the hostel and went to get lunch. We went to Augustine Keller and got pork knuckle since I had it last time I was in Munich and thought it was great. It was super fatty and wasn’t as nice as last time, which I expect was mostly because I wasn’t massively hungover from Oktoberfest. Rachael loved the building though and her spinach and mountain cheese soup.


We got in to Berlin quite late, but got up early the next day to do the free walking tour. We learnt heaps of history about the war, and the berlin wall and cold war. One of the first stops was the Jew Memorial which when we saw it was really familiar as I’d seen it on TV and the internet. The designer did a great job, as when you walk through it, it’s nothing like what you expect.
Schloss Neuschwanstein

Schloss Neuschwanstein

After a few quick hours of sleep in Munich, we were checking out again. At the train station we waited for the tour to start, and then after seeing a sign for the Neuschwanstein Tour, signed up. Turns out it was the wrong one, and not the Sandeman’s one that we had to planned to go on. Our guide was perfectly good though, and in fact probably needed the money more as the other group was much bigger and there was only 2 other people with us.


FRIDAY So the trip to Oktoberfest started with a long train ride from Zürich to München. It went fairly quickly but, as someone brought cards, so we played a Canadian variation of Presidents and Assholes. At the train station it was clear that we had arrived at Oktoberfest, as people were walking around in Lederhosen and Dirndl and there was massive Pretzels for sale everywhere. Also a big clue was the fact that many people were staggering around and one guy (who looked to be in his 40’s) even fell over when he got on an escalator and only just managed to stand up again before the top.


Last night we went to Germany for some drinks for Steven’s birthday and also because some people are going home soon. The bar in Waldshut that Steven and I found is even better than we first thought. Not only are beers only 2€, but if you start singing happy birthday then the bartender will come over with some free Jägermeister shots. Oh and rather than stealing the beer glass, Steven ASKED if he could keep it, and they even got him a clean one to take home.