Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2023

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2023

We had a very busy September this year, I was in Cairns for work the first week and so we didn’t try to go to the food and wine festival. Rachael was then in Melbourne visiting Lauren the following weekend when the parade was on, but I still rode in with the kids for it and they loved it. Was so much nicer riding in and not having to worry about parking with all the streets closed.
Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2022

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2022

We didn’t go the food and wine festival this year, and I had a sprained ankle so we didn’t go to any prize gardens either. We did get to Laurel Bank and Queen’s Parks though.
Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2021

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2021

It was great to go to be able to go to the food and wine festival again this year, after last year was cancelled and we had a newborn the year before that. Unfortunately they had to change the lineup last minute due to border closures, so it was mostly bands I’d already seen several times. Lyra really liked the dinosaur theme at Laurel Bank Park this year. We even went to the parade for probably the first time since the we moved here.
Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2019

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2019

This was the first year since we moved to Toowoomba where we haven’t been to the wine festival, but we were still able to enjoy the gardens. Mum and Dad brought my grandparents down this year to see the flowers (and Lyra). It was 70 years of the Carnival this year, so that was the theme at Laurel Bank Park And we even managed to visit a few prize gardens.
TCOF 2018

TCOF 2018

The Food and Wine Festival was great as always. Katherine was visiting from London, and Geoff & Carla also came up. I didn’t think the theme at Laurel Bank was as good as previous years, but still impressive. I actually thought Queen’s Park had better flowers this year. There was a new event called the Night Garden, which was okay but probably not worth the admission price (I ended up winning free tickets from work).
Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2017

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2017

Laurel Bank Park always has the best flowers, and this year was pretty good also although harder to make out the shapes then previous years (besides the Australia outline). Queen’s Park was also as good as always also. We only went to one day of the food and wine festival this year, and we didn’t have anyone staying with us, but it was as fun as always. We went at lunch time so Rachael finally got to make her free headband before they ran out of flowers.
TCOF Prize Gardens

TCOF Prize Gardens

Tom, Bec, Sarah & Lewis all come up to Toowoomba for the carnival of flowers, so we went to some of the winning prize gardens. They were all one’s we had to been to previous years.
Toowoomba Food, Flower & Wine Festival 2014

Toowoomba Food, Flower & Wine Festival 2014

So we went to the carnival of flowers again this year, and it was a bit disappointing. They had improved the layout this year, so we were pretty impressed on the Friday night. There was much more food to choose from this year, which was great. The bands playing weren’t all that exciting though, and the wines choices weren’t as good as last years. Was mostly dry wines, which Rachael and I don’t like.