Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2013

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2013

We went to the carnival of flowers again this year with the wine festival having another good line up of bands. This included The Whitlams, who I have wanted to see for ages. Unfortunately, the good line-up meant that they sold way more tickets than they were expecting and the place was packed. It was so busy you couldn’t even make your way around to the food and wine stands, as to get any where you needed to squish your way through the crowd at a snail’s pace to go anywhere.
TCOF Prize Gardens

TCOF Prize Gardens

While Mum and Dad were down, we went for a drive to check out the prize garden winners. It was a bit like looking at Christmas lights. The Reserve Grand Champion was by far the best garden, with a massive house and garden overlooking the range - they must be quite rich.
Toowoomba Parks

Toowoomba Parks

In addition to the prize gardens, the council does up all the parks around town as well.
TCOF Floral Parade

TCOF Floral Parade

On the Saturday morning there was a parade. The amount of people was insane, apparently the road up the range from Brisbane got backed up that many people came up from the city. Some of the floats were really amazing, they must have put a lot of time into them. Having previously worn the Ergon Energy Man suit in winter, I felt really sorry for this guy, it must have been stinking hot.
TCOF Flower Food and Wine Festival

TCOF Flower Food and Wine Festival

Last weekend was the start of the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers. We bought 3-day tickets to the Flower, Food and Wine Festival so we could check out all the bands. Friday night was our first glimpse of the festival. It was sort of like a show with various art and flower displays, but nothing overly exciting. Other than that there was stalls selling garden stuff, and food stalls. One thing that was a very good set up was the wine stalls though.