
TCOF Prize Gardens

TCOF Prize Gardens

Tom, Bec, Sarah & Lewis all come up to Toowoomba for the carnival of flowers, so we went to some of the winning prize gardens. They were all one’s we had to been to previous years.
Toowoomba Food, Flower & Wine Festival 2014

Toowoomba Food, Flower & Wine Festival 2014

So we went to the carnival of flowers again this year, and it was a bit disappointing. They had improved the layout this year, so we were pretty impressed on the Friday night. There was much more food to choose from this year, which was great. The bands playing weren’t all that exciting though, and the wines choices weren’t as good as last years. Was mostly dry wines, which Rachael and I don’t like.
Toowoomba's Christmas Wonderland

Toowoomba's Christmas Wonderland

Last night we went to check out the Christmas lights at Queen’s Park. It was pretty much the same as last year, but I took some photos this time around. We went to check out Audrey Ct as well, which we were told had some good lights. We were not expecting them to be as good as they were, almost every house in the street had put up a crazy amount of lights.


Last weekend we went for a drive with Rachael’s auntie to Preston. There are some awesome views, and a winery on the top of the hill. Apparently they import the wine though and don’t make it on site, so really it’s just about the views.
Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2013

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2013

We went to the carnival of flowers again this year with the wine festival having another good line up of bands. This included The Whitlams, who I have wanted to see for ages. Unfortunately, the good line-up meant that they sold way more tickets than they were expecting and the place was packed. It was so busy you couldn’t even make your way around to the food and wine stands, as to get any where you needed to squish your way through the crowd at a snail’s pace to go anywhere.
Top of Tabletop

Top of Tabletop

Went for a jog up tabletop, and took some photos. These photosphere shots even look cool in 2D. You can look at it street view style on G+ here.
Japanese Gardens

Japanese Gardens

Went for an early morning jog to the Japanese Gardens test out the camera on my new phone.
Tabletop Mountain

Tabletop Mountain

So despite an unsuccessful earlier attempt when we first moved up to Toowoomba, we still hadn’t climbed Tabletop Mountain. On Friday night we were out with a girl called Liz, who said that they were climbing it on Sunday morning to train for Tough Mudder at 5:30. So after lots of convincing, I convinced Rachael that we should go along. Although upon waking up and seeing the cloud of fog, she was unconvinced again.