
Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road

So after a few days in Melbourne we went back to the airport and picked up a hire car to drive the great ocean road. To drive directly to the 12 Apostles actually only takes 2 hours, but the scenic route is more like 6 hours. Our first stop was to check out Bell’s Beach, which is just past Geelong. As you would expect the waves looked awesome, with massive barrels coming through in clean sets.
Warrnambool and Ballarat

Warrnambool and Ballarat

As part of our Great Ocean Road drive, we stopped over in Warrnambool the first night, and Ballarat the 2nd. Warrnambool was really nice, and reminded us of Toowoomba, but on the sea. It had nice trees lining the streets and just seemed like a nice place for the few hours that we were there. We stayed in a cabin at a caravan park on the beach, and I went for a late night stroll at about 7:30pm and still needed my hat!


So Rachael’s sister Lauren had a job interview in Melbourne for the London Ambulance Service (which she got), and Rachael had a free week between uni and starting her new job, so we went for a quick holiday to Victoria. We stayed in the city at the Space Hotel, which was pretty nice for a backpackers and pretty close to everything. Melbourne has a free tram zone in the city, so all trams were free and were reasonably frequent.